Monday, May 28, 2007
Is CSS2 Hurting Your Link Building Efforts?
While working on an email link building campaign for an Arizona website design company, I received a reply from a potential link partner as follows:
"Well you're using an internal iframe so the place your links are don't have a good Google PR. No thanks..."
I knew exactly what he was talking about, but he was gravely mistaken. The problem was that our client was using CSS2 and a div tag to display the content of their website design directory ( in a stylesheet generated scroll box.
To webmasters that aren't familiar with this relatively new technique, the css scroll box looks like an iframe and can raise suspicions about link building ethics. The truth is that search engines have no difficulty following links located within a css scroll box.
I replied to the potential link partner that wrote me the email with an explanation of the technique but it was too late. I'd either lost the trust of this particular webmaster or damaged his pride. Either way, I lost a link partner.
I advised that my link building client remove the scroll box to avoid confusion but the scroll box was a consistent element in their design so they were unwilling to change it. This made my link building efforts for this client more difficult, but I learned a valuable lesson that I can apply to future campaigns.
In summary, you should avoid the use of css generated scroll boxes on your "resources" or "partners" pages, if you're running an email link building campaign, until webmasters become more educated about the new design options available with CSS2.
Labels: css2, link building, link campaign, scroll box, web design
Saturday, May 26, 2007
The Art Of Seo Copywriting
This is definitely not an easy task. Writing in a flow that sounds natural while keeping in mind keywords, keyword density, page length etc can be quite a process. It goes without saying that all the information that is presented also has to be technically correct.
SEO copywriting has a very specific goal in mind. SEO copywriting is good only when it achieves the goal of being more visible on the Internet. It is possible to have an article that is creatively and beautifully crafted but it might fall flat on its face because it does not adhere to the rules of SEO copywriting.
The goal of the marketer should also be the goal of the copywriter. It is essential that the copywriter understands the marketing message of the campaign. Only if the marketing message is understood can the copywriter produce something that would be useful for the SEO campaign. It is a very good idea for the copywriter to sit down with the marketer and work out the finer details of the marketing message. What are the main concepts? Are there key words and phrases that should not be missed out? Get a good understanding of all the important marketing information that would be required to write a comprehensive article for the SEO campaign.
Part of understanding the marketing message is also getting to know the product or the service that the copywriter is going to write about. Accuracy is an important element and you would not want to hand in unprofessional work that makes claims that are not true. As a copywriter, you should be aware that your words could be the basis on which your client can win or lose business. Having complete and accurate knowledge about the client means that the copywriter would be able to figure out what the strengths of the client are. It is these strengths that have to be highlighted and talked about in the content of the website.
Now, the actual writing process can prove to be quite tricky too. When writing the content, the copywriter would obviously have to keep keywords in mind. Usually there would be an appropriate way of using these words or a number of times these keywords have to be used and that has to be kept in mind throughout the writing process. At the same time, the copywriter should take some time off to step back and see to it that the copy does not look awkward and cluttered with only key words and phrases.
Keyword density if an issue those copywriters have to struggle with often. Time and again, copywriters and told to keep keyword density in mind when writing. This means that a word or phrase has to be used in an article a certain number of times. This, of course, disrupts the natural flow of writing but is also an essential feature of SEO copywriting. It is up to the copywriter to balance the issue of keyword density with that of content to make it readable and presentable to the public.
SEO copywriters have to constantly keep in mind that there are two aspects to their writing. There is the part of the copy that deals with creativity and readability, and then there are aspects related to coding and programming. The trick is to strike that balance where content is informational and accurate and at the same time it is able to hold fast to the technological aspects of search engine optimization. It goes without saying that this is a difficult task, but when done wel, it really brings back results that are worth celebrating. If this duality is kept in mind then the SEO copywriter should be able to produce content that is, not only presentable but also helps in finding a good ranking for the website on major search engines.
Labels: seo, seo india, seo services
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Home Business - How To Cope With Loss Of Focus On Your Home Business Goals
If you find you have lost focus on your home business goals, nobody else can help you regain your focus and you need to recognise the reason why you have lost your normal ability to focus on your goals. Don't become depressed or angry with yourself, sudden loss of focus is worrying but it is nearly always a temporary condition that you can cure easily if you stay calm. A temporary inability to focus does not mean you will not be able to make a success of your home business.
Even though you might be feeling like a miserable failure, there is probably a simple reason for your loss of focus on your home business goals. Those goals were sound when you set them for yourself as part of your home business success strategy, so don't fall into the trap of reassessing your goals and altering your plans while you are in a negative frame of mind. Think aboutyour goals and the reasons you had for setting them. Consider how far you have progressed since you started your home business and congratulate yourself on your success so far. Allow yourself to feel good about having made progress towards success even if you are temporarily stuck in a rut.
Trying to force yourself to carry on working as normal while you are feeling negative and unfocused, is unproductive. There are all sorts of reasons why you might need a break from work. It could be that you have tried to work for too many hours without a break and just need half an hour to relax and have a snack or a drink. Once your energy levels have been restored to normal, focusing on your goals will not seem difficult. Perhaps you have been trying to finalise a difficult task and just need to take a walk or do some stretching exercises and generally clear your mind. Maybe you have a minor but unpleasant illness like a head cold and need a day off to recuperate. Outside responsibilities might be distracting you from focusing on your home business. It could be that your mind is wandering because you are thinking of a tough job you need to do. Prioritising your tasks for the day might be all that's necessary to restore your level of focus.
Once you identify the reason for your loss of focus, it will be easy to see what you need to do. Next, you need to make yourself a sensible timetable. Make a list, in order of importance, of all the things you need to do and want to do that day (including time for breaks). Allocate a reasonable amount of time for each activity. Don't worry if you can't finish all your tasks in one day, rule a line above the work that can wait for another day.
If you are unwell and need to cancel the whole day, leave everything that can be left until the next day, just deal with anything that's too urgent to carry over for a day. If you just need a short break, that will be much easier to slot in and the refreshing effect of the break should enable you to quickly get back to working at your top capacity. If your problem is that an unpleasant or difficult task is waiting for you on your "to do" list, take a short revitalising break, promise yourself a reward for completing that task and tackle the dreaded chore before anything else on your list.
Regaining focus on your home business goals is usually easy once you understand why the loss occurred. It's often just a matter of taking a break or tweaking your timetable to have the energy to focus come flooding back.
Labels: goals, home business, loss of focus, regaining focus, success
Friday, May 18, 2007
7 Key Steps to Site Promotion
You can promote your site in different ways. You should follow some of the steps to get success in site promotion. Following are the 7 key steps to site promotion.
Advertise – Advertising is a proven technique to promote sites. This step will ensure that you are known by more people. Advertising will make people incurious who would like to come to your site to find out what is there. Advertising can also attract visitors by its words and design to come to your site.
Use Search engines – Search engines are a good tool for site promotion. You can make your site visible to a huge number of people through search engines. Make the website available at the top by getting good search engine ranking for it. Moe rand more people will visit your site and will spread the news about it.
Affiliate Marketing – Affiliate marketing can get you more visitors and more links for your site. It can spread your site name around.
Submit articles to Ezines – Ezine provide opportunity to post your site information and links along with your articles. When a reader reads one of your articles, he will also find your site link there. If the quality of your article is good, he will visit your site.
Get Referrals – Get referrals from the visitors. Make your website attractive and then visitors will like to refer it to other people.
Create Blogs – Blogs can help you to disseminate information about your site. It may make other people interested in your site, and may get them there.
Join Forums – Forums can make you an authority on a particular subject. When you are expert in a subject, people will like to visit your site for more information.
Labels: Site Promotion
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Profitable Link Popularity - How Link Building Can Help You
Link popularity is very important in the search engine marketing. It is very important in determining your website's ranking. A lot of people swap links in order to popularize their own website. Your link popularity helps a lot in generating traffic in your site and is therefore essential to profit from any online business.
If you're asking how important this can be, let me tell you how. Choosing quality inbound link is very important to get a high page rank. If you see the logic in this, high page rank would of course include you in some search engine's top results. Top search engines like Google use link popularity to evaluate a website for their ranking. And if your site is included in top results, the probability of generating traffic in your website is really high.
Getting a lot of one ways links pointing to your website can be achieved easily. There are lots of link popularity experts who provide their service to companies or people who want to get a lot of inbound links. For a minimal cost, they would help you increase your link popularity. If you want to do it yourself to save on cost, you can exchange links with other relevant websites. Just make sure the products and services your website showcases is similar to those found in the website of the person you choose to link with. If not, you might have some problems with the search engines that rank your site.
So go ahead and build your link popularity now. This would surely help you earn profit from your website.
Labels: link building, Profitable Link Popularity
Sunday, May 13, 2007
What Internet Gurus Don't Want You To Know
You have been searching for ways to make money & you have come to the wonderful world of Affiliate/Internet Marketing. You are excited, pumped & raring to go, huh? Well, I am here to tell you what the Gurus don't want you to know in plain & hard facts. You have been at this for awhile, you are probably wondering why you aren't converting & what the heck the deal is. The deal is you are following a lead that is specified by your affiliate manager, who'd that be? The person who created the material for you to go out & market for them. Have you ever noticed after you signed up with a product that you find interesting enough to sell, looks like it has potential. They give you all the tools that you supposedly need but why is it the photos of these supposed great great keywords being blacked out? They seem to leave the most important stuff out such as without quotations, the keywords are seriously overplayed.
They expect you to follow their lead because remember they are showing the proof in the pudding with those snapshots, you'll see the numbers but most won't see that there is a black spot there. They try to tell you they can't show you because something or another will happen. I see Google getting blamed for it alot. Do you really expect them to give you the secret to their success so that you can just go out there & make money like none other? If they showed you everything they know, in turn, you'd make them bucket fulls of money. Yet their fear is that you'll take it & run with it, go make your own formula to success. Reminder, you shouldn't all be selling the same thing. There is plenty of stuff to find & promote.
Have you ever researched those "great" keywords that they gave you? They produce alot of results back huh? I remember when I finally caught on to that, I was like well then how in the heck am I supposed to get on the first page with that crap??? Now I personally suggest organic searching where I put the quotations in around the words that I am using, it helps me really decipher what is there & what is really saturated. It sounds pretty repetitive huh? Well it is but wait, weren't you trying to make money on the internet?
I know this sounds like a lot of work but in the long run, you'll benefit from it like none other. You remember back in high school when it was super boring & unfair when you got a B and maybe Mandy Sue got an A & you had worked your rear off? Well Mandy Sue, probably put in 10 extra minutes to ensure that she got a decent grade. You can do this too with Internet/Affiliate Marketing. You'll be more happier because you'll see the product of your work when green paper starts flooding your bank account.
I don't claim to be a genius on the whole IM/Affiliate Marketing stuff, but I like to think I am pretty smart & I enjoy watching others succeed. I don't recommend anything that I haven't personally tried myself.
With this said, Good Luck!
Labels: article submission, articles, Email, email marketing, email newsletter, ezine, publishing, writers, writing
Friday, May 11, 2007
Affiliate Marketing- Is It The Best Model To Learn How To Do A Internet Business?
When you want to learn how to do a internet business, you will found out that there are tons of different kinds of internet business that you can do. So what is the best kind of models that will allows you to earn as you learn? The answer is affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing can be defined simply as you getting commissions for every sale that you make from promoting other people's product. This is the best way for you start a online business because you personally do not need to have your own products. You will also do not have to worry about customer support and the best thing is that it will only requires a very small amount of investment from you to start the business.
You will not want to spend tons of money before you even make your first dollars online. In all kinds of internet business, marketing is a important component. Affiliate marketing gives you the chance to wet your feet first. You will learn how to promote and market the affiliate product that you have chosen. This will be a "earn as you learn approach" because if you do the right things, you will have commissions and vice versa.
This is will be the most cost effective way of learning how to market on the internet. To have your own affiliate marketing business, the 3 most basic tools that you will need will be your own domain name, web hosting and a professional autoresponder. All these will only requires a small investment from you. The cost of maintaining your affiliate marketing will just be roughly around $50 per month excluding advertising cost.
If you are willing to invest a small amount of money every month in doing the business and taking constant action on how to market in the internet, you will learn how to do business at a much faster rate. Once you know how to market on the internet, you will know how to do all the other kinds of internet business already. So affiliate marketing is definitely the best business models for you to learn how to do a business online.
Labels: Affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing tips, affiliate programs, internet affiliate marketing
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Internet Home Business - How to Create a Successful Internet Home Business?
There are many difficulties that you will be sure to face when thinking about creating a successful Internet home business and the road may be bumpy. You will need to put in considerable amount of hard work as well as make strategic planning to get the best start. If somebody advises you to the contrary, be well advised to not give much credence to such advice which may be nothing more than a sales pitch for some product or the other.
There is really no difference between starting any normal business venture and an Internet home business, as they all require equal amount of hard work and planning. You should thus have the knowledge as well as tools that will be used in creating a successful Internet home business. Know the name of the domain and website, which preferably should be closely linked to the nature of your business.
Next you should make sure that you get a keywords rich domain name that represents well your business. That will help your website to achieve a better search engine ranking.
Get a reliable hosting company that has commercial tools. That will ease the problems of customers when they need to find a payment system or make up a shopping cart.
Your web page should be attractive as well as precise and the presentation should stand out without having too many graphics while highlighting the product as well as the benefits of buying it. Since the customer draws conclusions in a short span of time, you should have concise as well as well thought out phrases and slogans to get the message across directly and in a pleasing manner.
And, you need to also make sure that your keywords as well as SEO strategy keywords help in ranking your website higher in the search results. Your pages should have content that can attract greater number of visitors. Having an AutoResponder is a very nifty tool that can also help in building success for your Internet home based business.
Labels: internet marketing, make money online, making money online
Monday, May 7, 2007
Website Links and How to Get Them Part III
You could also join a subscription site that provides reciprocal links for you. They generally have a directory of websites and any other sites interested in a reciprocal link can click on your site, and the software does the rest. You get an email stating that site A is requesting a link. You check out the site and click on 'YES' if you agree. The link is then set up by the software. Generally the links pages are set up when you register, and such systems frequently work using a Mysql database on your web server.
The easiest and best way to get one way back-links is through article marketing. If you write articles on your niche and submit them to article directories, then you get a link back to a chosen page on your web site from the article directories that your work is accepted by, and also from any readers who copy your article to their website.
Many article directories have a high page ranking, and their links are very valuable to you. Since articles can be held in their directory for a long period of time, this is a very useful way of building up a large number of links back from high ranking websites. Article marketing provides you with the added benefit of direct traffic from visitors who click on the link back to your site. You can also get good links back from website directories such as Joe Ant or DMOZ.
Website links are very important if you intend to rely on organic traffic from search engines, and both one way and reciprocal links can be valuable to you. If you are selective regarding the sites you link with, you can quickly build up a number of good links to your site from pages with high page ranking that will be highly rated by search engines.
If you combine that with good search engine optimization practices you should be able to generate a high volume of free traffic from search engine users.
Labels: links, Website Links
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Website Links and How to Get Them Part I
Part of the algorithms that most search engines use to determine the position of a page in your website in the listings analyze links back to your web page from other web pages. The term 'web page' is used, rather than 'web site' since search engines such as Google list individual web pages rather than complete web sites.
Since Google is one of the more important search engines that is what will be referred to here, though what is written applies equally to the other engines such as Yahoo and MSN.
Google make it clear that link density is as important as keyword density, if not more so now that the have introduced contextual analysis to their algorithm. However, not just any links will do, but links from sites that are regarded as an authority on the subject. For example, a link to your page from a web page with a page ranking of five is better than a link from one with a page rank of two.
If you have a new website, part of your strategy for attracting traffic should be to build up a number of good links. There are two types of links: reciprocal links and one way links, and there are specific techniques that can be used to get each. It is said that a one way link to your site, without you providing one back, is more important to your listing position than a reciprocal link. This is not always the case.
This discussion is continued in part II.
Labels: links, Website Links