Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Art Of Seo Copywriting

This is definitely not an easy task. Writing in a flow that sounds natural while keeping in mind keywords, keyword density, page length etc can be quite a process. It goes without saying that all the information that is presented also has to be technically correct.

SEO copywriting has a very specific goal in mind. SEO copywriting is good only when it achieves the goal of being more visible on the Internet. It is possible to have an article that is creatively and beautifully crafted but it might fall flat on its face because it does not adhere to the rules of SEO copywriting.

The goal of the marketer should also be the goal of the copywriter. It is essential that the copywriter understands the marketing message of the campaign. Only if the marketing message is understood can the copywriter produce something that would be useful for the SEO campaign. It is a very good idea for the copywriter to sit down with the marketer and work out the finer details of the marketing message. What are the main concepts? Are there key words and phrases that should not be missed out? Get a good understanding of all the important marketing information that would be required to write a comprehensive article for the SEO campaign.

Part of understanding the marketing message is also getting to know the product or the service that the copywriter is going to write about. Accuracy is an important element and you would not want to hand in unprofessional work that makes claims that are not true. As a copywriter, you should be aware that your words could be the basis on which your client can win or lose business. Having complete and accurate knowledge about the client means that the copywriter would be able to figure out what the strengths of the client are. It is these strengths that have to be highlighted and talked about in the content of the website.

Now, the actual writing process can prove to be quite tricky too. When writing the content, the copywriter would obviously have to keep keywords in mind. Usually there would be an appropriate way of using these words or a number of times these keywords have to be used and that has to be kept in mind throughout the writing process. At the same time, the copywriter should take some time off to step back and see to it that the copy does not look awkward and cluttered with only key words and phrases.

Keyword density if an issue those copywriters have to struggle with often. Time and again, copywriters and told to keep keyword density in mind when writing. This means that a word or phrase has to be used in an article a certain number of times. This, of course, disrupts the natural flow of writing but is also an essential feature of SEO copywriting. It is up to the copywriter to balance the issue of keyword density with that of content to make it readable and presentable to the public.

SEO copywriters have to constantly keep in mind that there are two aspects to their writing. There is the part of the copy that deals with creativity and readability, and then there are aspects related to coding and programming. The trick is to strike that balance where content is informational and accurate and at the same time it is able to hold fast to the technological aspects of search engine optimization. It goes without saying that this is a difficult task, but when done wel, it really brings back results that are worth celebrating. If this duality is kept in mind then the SEO copywriter should be able to produce content that is, not only presentable but also helps in finding a good ranking for the website on major search engines.

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